Please follow the steps below:
- Log into ENgage
- In the My Organisations box, select the thumbnail next to your organisation’s name
- Select the Finance button (available in the nine small squares, located to the top left-hand side of your screen)
- Select Bank Details
- Click New
- Enter information into all fields
- Tick the box next to 'Is Default'
- Tick the box 'I have read, consented and agreed to First Sports Internationals Terms and Conditions, England Netball's Regional, County, Club membership and League Registration Contract and I am of legal age' (Mandatory)
- Tick the box 'Accept Online Credit/ Debit Card Payments' (Mandatory)
- Tick the box 'Accept Online Direct Debit Payments' (Optional)
- Check that the entered details are correct
- Click Save
Please note, the Bank Details section on ENgage will initially display an orange stripe under the 'Accept Online' column. Once the information has been verified (this takes approximately one hour after adding the bank details), the stripe will display as green, and only then can online payments be completed.